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Tampilkan postingan dengan label best moment. Tampilkan semua postingan

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014


 (me, Kinan, Rurin, Wida, Ayin, Vera, Disty, Titi, Alif)

(Taken at Warung Sangrai, 11st October, 2014)

"Did you see the sparks filled with hope? You are not alone, cause someone's out there sending out flares..."
- The Script

Congraduation, Dina Riana S.Kom!

 (Putri, Citra, Senya, Dina, me)

(Taken at Celebrate Cafe, 27th September, 2014)

" You are graduating from college. That means that this is the first day of the last day of your life. No, that's wrong. This is the last day of the first day of school. Nope, that's worse. This is a day"
- Andy Samberg

Selasa, 23 September 2014

D I E N G . . .


"Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books."
- John Lubbock

Dieng, We're In Love

(Ka Ardy, Ka Bayo, Dadan, me, Bang Luki, Teh Uli, Teh Ciwo)

Taken at Dieng Culture Festival, 30-31 August 2014

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

- Hans Christian Andersen

"A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguard, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us."
- John Steinbeck

Senin, 08 September 2014

Little Piece of Heaven

Happy belated birthday, Sen, we love you! :*

Taken at Dulang, 24th August, 2014

(Left to right: Senya, Dina, Putri, me, Citra)

"Hanging around with you is like finding my paradise. One of my treasure in this world."
- A

Selasa, 02 September 2014


 Taken at Hummingbird, 23rd of August 2014


"We are girls, women, best friends, and even sisters."
- A

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Congradution, Crazy Mates!

Hallo, dua orang pertama yang lulus, selamat menempuh hidup baru sebagai sarjana muda. It won't be easy, perhaps, but show must go on. Congraduation, Erda and Ningsih, and have a nice new life! 

I love you, both! :)

Taken at Indonesia University of Education, August 20th 2014.

"The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values."
- William S. Burroughs

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

And the Story, Begins...


Taken at J.Co Ciwalk 13rd August '14

 Taken at Warung Sangrai, 13rd August '14

So sorry, my favorite couple one, for always interrupting your quality time together. :p

"Nothing is sweeter than the togetherness we share."
- J.Co Donuts

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

Rumpi Afternoon with the Girls!


(The Harvest; Friday,August 8th, 2014)

"Girls' quality time is always fascinating. We have a world created by ourselves."
- A

Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

M U D I K : Part 2

"Family is not an important thing. It is everything."
-  Michael J. Fox

"The family is one of nature's masterpiece."
- George Santayana